After nineteen successful movies in its ongoing franchise, the MCU has finally achieved an Oscar nomination with "Black Panther," the massive hit about a secret African nation called Wakanda that was only pretending to be an agro-economy but is actually the most advanced nation on Earth. The Black Panther is the nation's king and know what? If you're clueless enough not to know about this shit a year after it came out, do your own damn research.
Below is the conversation that took place between T&C. We agreed to make this our first discussion post because we disagree about this movie's Oscar worthiness.
T: Did you hear about "Black Panther" being nominated for Oscars?
C: Ridiculous.
C: Ri-cock-ulous?
T: "Black Panther" was awesome. I do believe "Logan" warranted a few nominations but I think "Black Panther" earned the ones listed. I would have a problem if it got nominated for best special effects.
C: Because the effects often looked fake and unfinished or because that's the award they throw at every genre film?
T: The first part.
C: The third act was where that movie's effects really started to shine. Up until then the effects work was very uneven.
T: But the actual nominations are well-deserved.
C: The acting was sub-par,.The writing was uneven. The direction was amateurish. It was an enjoyable movie at best but certainly nowhere near Oscar caliber.
T: Wow.
C: Why are you acting like this is a surprise? We saw it together. I'm sure you could tell how unimpressed I was.
T: True.
C: I didn't want to say anything when we saw it but much of the time I was bored out of my mind even more than I was during "Civil War." This type of film is not Ryan Coogler's thing. Maybe Ridley Scott was right.
*Ridley Scott recently criticized movie studios for giving huge movies to directors with no experience and, in his view, it shows.
T: As far as the acting, I did find Forrest Whitaker annoying and was glad when Kilmonger killed him but I was fine with everybody else. He had the worst accent.
C: Yeah, when the hell did he become such a bad actor? He was one of the greats! I'm thinking of his scenery chewing in "Rogue One."
T: He was annoying in that, too! I was glad glad to see him him die in that as well.
C: Me too.
T: I don't think he's a bad actor, I just believe his acting has a limited range of versatility and both movies were WAAAYYYY beyond his range.
C: If he were here, he'd give you Forrest Whitaker eye.
T: He wouldn't be able to help himself.
C: Getting back to "Black Panther," I felt the movie fell into the same category as "Captain America Civil War" and "Spider-Man: Homecoming." Over-hyped movies that fell short and were a mess on most levels until their respective third acts. Marvel really knows how to make a third act pay off.
T: What!? No.
T: LOL!!!
C: Discussion over?
T: Okay, "Civil War" definitely matches that description. "Spider-Man: Homecoming" gets a borderline "yes" and "Justice League" gets a "hell yes!" Oh, and the theatrical cut of "Batman vs. Superman."
C: Don't bring DC into this, you Marvel Zombie! Although you have a point with Spidey. It would have needed a plot to qualify for that description.
T; I agree. I believe what they were trying to do was get straight to the point and spend as little time on the origin story as possible. It's been told enough times.
C: His and Batman's...and that one guy they names Xmas after.
T: Heathen.
C: Look, "Black Panther: is definitely a film that belongs in the Smithsonian for its cultural significance and all the records it set and having the character as part of the MCU opens up a lot of possibilities. But if I have to judge the award merits based on the film as conceived and produced, I don't feel it deserves a Best picture nomination. "Logan," on the other hand, did and was robbed. Actually, the acting in the X-Men franchise is often vastly superior to the MCU. "Days of Future Past" might be the best acted comic book team movie of all time. Here come the hate comments.
T: Actually, I can't hate you for that one.
C: I didn't mean you.
T: I know.
C: Again, I didn't hate the movie. I enjoyed it overall. Maybe if it had come out ten years earlier, I would've been right there praising it as some cinematic revelation but there's been a lot of competition. I still consider "Winter Solder" the gold standard for MCU films.
T: That's a great choice.
C: You're starting to agree with me, aren't you?
T: Nope!
C: Don't you want to yell, "Wakanda Forever"?
T: I'll wait until it takes home the Best Picture Oscar.
C: That would be amazing. An actual high quality superhero movie could win next time.
T: Dick.
Below is the conversation that took place between T&C. We agreed to make this our first discussion post because we disagree about this movie's Oscar worthiness.
T: Did you hear about "Black Panther" being nominated for Oscars?
C: Ridiculous.
C: Ri-cock-ulous?
T: "Black Panther" was awesome. I do believe "Logan" warranted a few nominations but I think "Black Panther" earned the ones listed. I would have a problem if it got nominated for best special effects.
C: Because the effects often looked fake and unfinished or because that's the award they throw at every genre film?
T: The first part.
C: The third act was where that movie's effects really started to shine. Up until then the effects work was very uneven.
T: But the actual nominations are well-deserved.
C: The acting was sub-par,.The writing was uneven. The direction was amateurish. It was an enjoyable movie at best but certainly nowhere near Oscar caliber.
T: Wow.
C: Why are you acting like this is a surprise? We saw it together. I'm sure you could tell how unimpressed I was.
T: True.
C: I didn't want to say anything when we saw it but much of the time I was bored out of my mind even more than I was during "Civil War." This type of film is not Ryan Coogler's thing. Maybe Ridley Scott was right.
*Ridley Scott recently criticized movie studios for giving huge movies to directors with no experience and, in his view, it shows.
T: As far as the acting, I did find Forrest Whitaker annoying and was glad when Kilmonger killed him but I was fine with everybody else. He had the worst accent.
C: Yeah, when the hell did he become such a bad actor? He was one of the greats! I'm thinking of his scenery chewing in "Rogue One."
T: He was annoying in that, too! I was glad glad to see him him die in that as well.
C: Me too.
T: I don't think he's a bad actor, I just believe his acting has a limited range of versatility and both movies were WAAAYYYY beyond his range.
C: If he were here, he'd give you Forrest Whitaker eye.
T: He wouldn't be able to help himself.
C: Getting back to "Black Panther," I felt the movie fell into the same category as "Captain America Civil War" and "Spider-Man: Homecoming." Over-hyped movies that fell short and were a mess on most levels until their respective third acts. Marvel really knows how to make a third act pay off.
T: What!? No.
T: LOL!!!
C: Discussion over?
T: Okay, "Civil War" definitely matches that description. "Spider-Man: Homecoming" gets a borderline "yes" and "Justice League" gets a "hell yes!" Oh, and the theatrical cut of "Batman vs. Superman."
C: Don't bring DC into this, you Marvel Zombie! Although you have a point with Spidey. It would have needed a plot to qualify for that description.
T; I agree. I believe what they were trying to do was get straight to the point and spend as little time on the origin story as possible. It's been told enough times.
C: His and Batman's...and that one guy they names Xmas after.
T: Heathen.
C: Look, "Black Panther: is definitely a film that belongs in the Smithsonian for its cultural significance and all the records it set and having the character as part of the MCU opens up a lot of possibilities. But if I have to judge the award merits based on the film as conceived and produced, I don't feel it deserves a Best picture nomination. "Logan," on the other hand, did and was robbed. Actually, the acting in the X-Men franchise is often vastly superior to the MCU. "Days of Future Past" might be the best acted comic book team movie of all time. Here come the hate comments.
T: Actually, I can't hate you for that one.
C: I didn't mean you.
T: I know.
C: Again, I didn't hate the movie. I enjoyed it overall. Maybe if it had come out ten years earlier, I would've been right there praising it as some cinematic revelation but there's been a lot of competition. I still consider "Winter Solder" the gold standard for MCU films.
T: That's a great choice.
C: You're starting to agree with me, aren't you?
T: Nope!
C: Don't you want to yell, "Wakanda Forever"?
T: I'll wait until it takes home the Best Picture Oscar.
C: That would be amazing. An actual high quality superhero movie could win next time.
T: Dick.
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